A few years ago, I downloaded counterfeit music and movies but I don't download music and movies now. (Sometimes I watch movies and dramas on the video site and I only watch Korea program, because I can't watch Korea program in Canada.) The reason why many people prefer counterfeit products is that something is free or cheap. Also I think counterfeit music and video can't compare to real things because there are really same, we can't compare.
I saw counterfeit bags but I think products like bags, clothes, and others can compare to real products by expert. As well I think counterfeit products aren't good because the experts spent time for making this, but counterfeit products are copy at their factory.
When I was middle school student I thought counterfeit isn't bad, however this is illegal to make counterfeit products. Also we don't buy counterfeit products, if we continuously buy counterfeit products , it must not disappear.
I saw counterfeit bags but I think products like bags, clothes, and others can compare to real products by expert. As well I think counterfeit products aren't good because the experts spent time for making this, but counterfeit products are copy at their factory.
When I was middle school student I thought counterfeit isn't bad, however this is illegal to make counterfeit products. Also we don't buy counterfeit products, if we continuously buy counterfeit products , it must not disappear.